Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Butterbeer Jell-O Shots

I'm alive. Much to all of your dismay I have been MIA for almost a month. I'm not so sure where the month went to be honest with you.

Well that's false, it's been consumed with work, interning, class, trips to New Paltz and Maine and minimal sleep. Leaving me zero time to play in the kitchen, thus lack of updates.
This past weekend I did get to escape the madness of life and go home for the weekend for momma's birthday and Zach& Amanda's wedding celebration at the house.

Poor mom thinking I would be some great help...my only contribution to the party was jell-o shots. Oh, and sleeping until 12:30, missing out on all the fun prep work for the day.

Butterbeer Jell-O Shots
adapted from: Tablespoon

1 cup creme soda
2 envelopes plain gelatin
1/3 cup vanilla vodka
2/3 cup butterscotch schnapps

1. Pour soda into a medium sacue pan and add the gelatin. Let soak for a minute or two.
2. Heat the soda and gelatin mixture over low heat and stir constantly until gelatin is dissolved. About 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
3. Add the vanilla vodka and butterscotch schnapps. Pour into 3 inch plastic cups and refridgerate until fully set.
4. Serve! And don't let anyone convince you they need a spoon to get it out.

Also, have you ever seen someone take a jell-o shot that has never before done one? Get ready to laugh. With them, of course.